[92] He concluded that Diop had assumed Egyptian and Wolof were related and then looked for ways to connect their features, disregarding evidence from other languages which might cast doubt on the resemblances claimed. [48] As regards the key Badarian group, a 2005 study by anthropologist S. O. Y. Keita of Badarian crania in predynastic upper Egypt found that the predynastic Badarian series clusters much closer with the tropical African series than European samples. It is safe to state that most of Diop’s formal education was received in Paris, France. This ideology was spread with the help of considerable publicity and taught the world over, because it alone had the material and financial means for its own propagation.Thus imperialism, like the prehistoric hunter, first killed the being spiritually and culturally, before trying to eliminate it physically. [101] Since he struggled against how racial classifications were used by the European academy in relation to African peoples, much of his work has a strong 'race-flavored' tint. Cheikh Anta Diop was a great Senegalese historian, anthropologist, philosopher, physicist and politician. Cheikh Anta Diop was considered to be one of the greatest scholars to emerge in the African world in the twentieth century. Cheikh Anta Diop was born on December 29, 1923 in Diourbel, Senegal. [28][29] In the July 1973 paper entitled "La pigmentation des anciens Égyptiens. Arbitrarily classifying Maasai, Ethiopians, Shillouk, Nubians, etc., as Caucasian is thus problematic, since all these peoples are northeast African populations and show normal variation well within the 85–90% specified by DNA analysis. [11], In 1953, he first met Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Marie Curie's son-in-law, and in 1957 Diop began specializing in nuclear physics at the Laboratory of Nuclear Chemistry of the College de France which Frederic Joliot-Curie ran until his death in 1958, and the Institut Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. The reviewers found that some researchers seemed to have shifted their categories and methods to maintain this "special case" outlook. He declared that the peoples of the region were all Africans, and decried the "bizarre and dangerous myths" of previously biased scholarship, "marred by a confusion of race, language, and culture and by an accompanying racism. Cheikh Anta Diop (ed.) Frank Yurco, "An Egyptological Review", 1996, in Mary R. Lefkowitz and Guy MacLean Rogers. [83] Obenga expressly rejected Greenberg's division of most African languages into the Niger-Congo, Nilo-Saharan and Afroasiatic families, treating all African languages except the Khoisan languages and Berber as a single unit, négro-africain. 2019 The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality . Seligman's views on direct diffusion from Egypt are not generally supported to-day,[61] but were current when Diop started to write and may explain his wish to show that Egyptian and Black Africa culture had a common source, rather than that Egyptian influence was one way. (2003–2004), "L'origine des Peuls : les principales thèses confrontées aux traditions africaines et à l'égyptologie". Who were the more aggressive people? Théophile Obenga used this method to distinguish Berber from other African members of Greenberg's Afroasiatic family, particularly Egyptian and Coptic. Cheikh Anta Diop could have chosen to live in luxury, ignoring the disparity in living standards, also the stratification of the people but he chose to get involved. in order to disguise their flaws; the susceptibility of their skin to become bruised and discolored, statuesque form of the African male, the raw sexuality, attractiveness and childbearing ability of the nubian queen, white folks had to belittle black folks to appear superior. The African Origin of Civilization: Myth Or Reality, Summary of Cheikh Anta Diop's Work (in French), Cheikh Anta Diop, The Pharaoh of Knowledge, Listen to interviews with Cheikh Anta Diop (in French), Organisation of African Trade Union Unity, Pan-African Freedom Movement for East and Central Africa, Popular and Social League of the Great Sahara Tribes, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cheikh_Anta_Diop&oldid=1005525298, National Democratic Rally (Senegal) politicians, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2009, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from March 2016, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 2019 African Origin of Civilization: The Myth or Reality. [107], The conclusion was that some of the oldest native populations in Egypt can trace part of their genetic ancestral heritage to East Africa. Not disputing his religious indoctrination, Diop states that his family was not part of any of the well-known Islamic sects, but was instead from an exclusive “brotherhood” known as the Mouride; the only independent Muslim Fraternity in all of Africa!Diop was originally enrolled to study Advanced Mathematics in Paris, 1946, a subject for which he had an aptitude. It could seem to tempting to delude the masses engaged in a struggle for national independence by taking liberties with scientific truth, by unveiling a mythical, embellished past. 49–54. However, at age 23 years he was matured enough to make his own choices although it appeared as if he may not have had enough maturity to settle on a definite career path at this juncture. The book shows some signs of wear from use but is a good readable copy. Ancient Egyptian and the négro-africain languages such as Wolof are related, but any common origin may be very remote and their relation may not be close. Instead he claims Egypt as an influential part of a "southern cradle" of civilization, an indigenous development based on the Nile Valley. He should be considered as one of. [39] He suggests that the peoples of the Nile Valley were one regionalized population, sharing a number of genetic and cultural traits. This not only altered the biological pigmentation of the skin but also impacted and caused the development of a new culture wherein the “white” skin type which were the isolated minority, became nomadic, aggressive and praedial. Mixed-race theories have also been challenged by contemporary scholars in relation to African genetic diversity. "[100] This outlook was unlike many of the contemporary white writers he questioned. The authorities were in fear that he would disrupt the government and force a constitutional change which was not acceptable to the ruling regime at that time. [12], According to Diop's own account, his education in Paris included History, Egyptology, Physics, Linguistics, Anthropology, Economics, and Sociology. "[21] Diop was highly critical of "the most brilliant pseudo-revolutionary eloquence that ignores the need" for rebuilding the African national consciousness "which must be met if our people are to be reborn culturally and politically. Keita, "Further studies of crania", op. In their bid to take over their identity, white people have pillaged, raided, raped scalped the Africans of everything they had barring the one thing they wanted most and could not have: Their dark, beautiful, rich in melanin skin and superior strength.It was Diop’s mission to return Africa to its former glorious state, a power to be reckoned with in world economy, to revive the African Culture so that the people would walk with heads held high as the proud unapologetic Black Race they once were. Ancient Egyptians such as the Badarians show greater statistical affinities to tropical African types and are not identical to Europeans. 97–8. Genetic studies have disproved these notions. This is considered to be an indigenous development based on microevolutionary principles (climate adaptation, drift and selection) and not the movement of large numbers of outside peoples into Egypt. biological] mixture of the ancient Egyptian population, but nobody has yet defined what is meant by the term 'Negroid', nor has any explanation been proffered as to how this Negroid element, by mingling with a Mediterranean component often present in smaller proportions, could be assimilated into a purely Caucasoid race. [22], In 1960, upon his return to Senegal, he continued what would be a lifelong political struggle. From 1956, he taught physics and chemistry in two Paris lycees as an assistant master, before moving to the College de France. The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality by Cheikh Anta Diop, Mercer Cook (Translator/Editor) [105] Modern critics of the racial clustering approach coming after Diop echo this objection, using data from the oldest Nile Valley groupings as well as current peoples. They consider the Egyptians as (a) simply another Nile valley population or (b) part of a continuum of population gradation or variation among humans that is based on indigenous development, rather than using racial clusters or the concept of admixtures. These methods it is held, downplay normal geographic variation and genetic diversity found in many human populations and have distorted a true picture of African peoples.[111]. [95] In an interview in 1985, Diop argued that race was a relevant category and that phenotype or physical appearance is what matters in historic social relations. Greenberg, Joseph H. (1950), "Studies in African Linguistic Classification: IV. He proposed that a single African language be used across the continent for official, educational, and cultural purposes. [2] His work was greatly controversial and throughout his career, Diop argued that there was a shared cultural continuity across African peoples that was more important than the varied development of different ethnic groups shown by differences among languages and cultures over time. This seems to have done the trick as he eventually obtained his Doctor of Letters degree in History in 1960; a degree which is equivalent to a doctorate (PhD) in Europe. "[69], The 1957 and 1966 editions of Seligman's "Races of Africa" retained this statement, and many anthropologists accepted the Hamitic hypothesis into the 1960s. ; Hiernaux, J. One approach that has bridged the gap between Diop and his critics is the non-racial bio-evolutionary approach. He was keenly aware of the difficulties that such a scientific effort would entail and warned that "It was particularly necessary to avoid the pitfall of facility. by Cheikh Anta Diop , Mercer Cook ( 977 ) $8.43. Diop repudiated racism or supremacist theories, arguing for a more balanced view of African history than he felt it was getting during his era. African Origin: Cheikh Anta Diop, 1974 Diop worked hard to promote this concept in his fight to revive the pride and uplift the economic and social standards of the African Nation. Eventually, he was able to translate parts of Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity into his ethnic language. In 1957 he registered his new thesis title "Comparative study of political and social systems of Europe and Africa, from Antiquity to the formation of modern states." Keita and Kittles (1999) argue that modern DNA analysis points to the need for more emphasis on clinal variation and gradations that are more than adequate to explain differences between peoples rather than pre-conceived racial clusters. Conversely, Ancient Egyptian may be more closely related to languages that cannot be classed as black and/or African than to many négro-africain languages. [45] A 2004 review of DNA research in African Archaeological Review supports some of Diop's criticisms. Young Entrepreneurs Sending Gifts To Their Generous Supporters! [50] Modern physical anthropologists also question splitting of peoples into racial zones. [Cheikh Anta Diop] — From the Publisher: Edited and translated by Mercer Cook. Though Diop is sometimes referred to as an Afrocentrist, he predates the concept and thus was not himself an Afrocentric scholar. He had managed to access pigment from Egyptian mummies which he tested for their melanin content. He studied Philosophy and Chemistry at the Sorbonne in Paris, after earning his bachelor’s degree in Senegal. [114] Diop's book "Civilization or Barbarism" was summarized as Afrocentric pseudohistory by academic and author Robert Todd Carroll.[8]. He should be considered as one of. He acknowledged the existence of "mixed" peoples over the course of African history, writing that Egyptians and Jews were the product of crossbreeding. Although he completed the thesis for his second title based on Ancient History and Egyptology in 1954, Diop had a problem finding a body of examiners to pass his work. That is why it easily drowned out the voice of science, by throwing the veil of falsification over historical truth. Before Diop, the general view, following Charles Seligman[60] on the influence of Egypt on Black Africa was that elements of Egyptian religious thought, customs and technology diffused along four trade routes: up the White Nile; along the North African coast past Tunis to West Africa; up the Blue Nile and along the foothills of Abyssinia to the Great Lakes and through Darfur and along the southern edge of the Sahara. He had said, "In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and, hence, the ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the question has overlooked the possibility. [17][18], Diop had since his early days in Paris been politically active in the Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (RDA), an African nationalist organisation led by Félix Houphouët-Boigny. Indeed, he eschewed racial chauvinism, arguing: "We apologise for returning to notions of race, cultural heritage, linguistic relationship, historical connections between peoples, and so on. cit. One of Diop's most controversial issues centers on the definition of who is a true Black person. "[96][97], Academic detractors charge Diop with racism, based particularly on his claim that the ancient Egyptians were black. 88–93. Though Diop is sometimes referred to as an Afrocentrist, he predates the concept and thus was not himself an Afrocentric scholar. Diop attempted to demonstrate that the African peoples shared certain commonalities, including language roots and other cultural elements like regicide, circumcision, totems, etc. Diop dedicated a book about the IFAN radiocarbon laboratory "to the memory of my former professor Frédéric Joliot who welcomed me into his laboratory at the College de France. He was general secretary of the RDA students in Paris from 1950 to 1953. Leiberman and Jackson 1995 "Race and Three Models of Human Origins". “No race is superior to another, they all originate from Africa and have the same intellectual abilities.” Cheikh Anta Diop could be considered the “Black Atticus Finch” in his defense of a black man in 1935. 17th MArch 2020. 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed ! "[14], In 1948 Diop edited with Madeleine Rousseau, a professor of art history, a special edition of the journal Musée vivant, published by the Association populaire des amis des musées (APAM). Greenberg, Joseph H. (1949), "Studies in African Linguistic Classification: I. [98] Diop by contrast in his African Origin of Civilization,[99] argues against the European stereotypical conception. To say that a Shillouk, a Dinka, or a Nouer is a Caucasoid is for an African as devoid of sense and scientific interest as would be, to a European, an attitude that maintained that a Greek or a Latin were not of the same race, Critics of Diop cite a 1993 study that found the ancient Egyptians to be more related to North African, Somali, European, Nubian and, more remotely, Indian populations, than to Sub-Saharan Africans. Get this from a library! As regards Egyptian religion for example, there appear to be more solid connections with the cultures of the Sudan and northeast Africa than Mesopotamia, according to mainstream research:[67], Diop considered that it was politically important to demonstrate the cultural and linguistic unity of Africa, and to base this unity on the Egyptian past. This modern research also confirms older analyses, (Arkell and Ucko 1956, Shaw 1976, Falkenburger 1947, Strouhal 1971, Blanc 1964, et al.,[112]). What is The Two Cradle Theory?“Anthropologists have invented the ingenious, convenient, fictional notion of the “true Negro,” which allows them to consider, if need be, all the real Negroes on earth as fake Negroes, more or less approaching a kind of Platonic archetype, without ever attaining it. "[22], Diop believed that the political struggle for African independence would not succeed without acknowledging the civilizing role of the African, dating from ancient Egypt. Instead, he enrolled in the Faculty of the Arts in Sorbonne; considered to be the first university in the world, where he switched his focus to the study of Physics.

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