The … I quit the game for like 6 years and I just came back.I will only edit … In a Sniperâs hands, the bow is a deadly instrument capable of dealing massive damage and carnage. Increase Movement Speed and flee rate of the player and party members. ..vs Clown/Gypsies. For example, Swordsmen have a rune that adds 10% Bash damage, while Mages have runes that reduce⦠There are several builds for Snipers. The only way to kill them is to attack first. Even though Priest’s Skill Complexity is really high, it’s STAT Complexity isn’t that difficult to understand. Clearing Techniques: General Tips: Sharp Shooting is the only skill you need to use in endless tower. Now you are an Archer! They pot big. It DSes very fast! A sample is(Totals, with gears and buffs): A critter is a decent build for hunting items, if you don’t want to constantly use skills. Romantic Flower Ragnarok Online item search for iRO, kRO and most private servers. Gain Job levels. of course you dont have much hp but in pvm you can use things like firewall to avoid ever getting hit in the first place. Sniper vs Sniper. Hi people i just want to share my knowlege of the ragnarok archer job: ok so first this build is for monsters/MVP/Players in short for everyone you will not have to change bows for PVP or for MVP hunt or just plain mob killing ok so lets begin:i will tell you want equips and what cards go in to them this build is for servers where all weapons have 4 slots and armor and stuff … the only problem i encountered there was the weight limit and when i run out of arrows lol. Long ago in pre-renewal. Leveling spots are optimized by only killing monsters that do not have an EXP penalty at the character's current level. Lv 10-25: Don`t kill zombies just yet. I have a suggestion for you. perfect for killing MVP and PVM!! affordable!! Prontera Board auto quests for free stuff. Then when you're comfortable, you can switch over to the Money Making build. Tights [0] or [1], Odin’s Blessing [1], Pantie [0] or [1], Valkyrie’s Armor [1]. I recommend to use a Novice Potion after you have your HP below 50%. Falconers usually have a lower amount of DEX, so a Crossbow may be a better choice to maximize your damage. +10 Main Gauche (4x Fabre cards) This is largely because of two reasons. agi crit assassin cross guide. The build unfortunately is ineffective in PVP, damaging other players with 3 to 4 thousand points of damage. The Falcon return to its aid, with new Falcon skills especially Falcon Assault. But nowadays, since dex damage was nerfed, Double Strafe Type also went nerfed and trappers were boosted a lot. The best place to buy and sell stuff in Ragnarok Online is Prontera. Assassin Cross. .. I`m not EXPERT at english. auto blitz!! …vs Pure SB. The best place to buy and sell stuff in Ragnarok Online is Prontera. May 2020 Thanks. Required For: Arrow Shower (L5 Archer), Beast Strafing (L10 Hunter -SoulLinked), Remove Trap (L5 Rogue), Sharp Shooting (L5 Sniper). Talk to her twice, and you`ll get a level. And next.. 5. In this video, we'll talk about the recommended equipment, cards, and pets for the ADL Sniper Build. I played as a Pure AD (DEX/AGI build one). This equips is suitable in the first stat.. or hybrid stat.. You do not need to FA for this build but you may(the damage will be quite weak, ranging from 4-5k). I hope this guide helps!! For more information to Archer`s Job Change: Click this link. They`re aggresive, but, slow. LUK is best in multiples of 3, if I’m not mistaken, so make sure your final LUK is divisible by 3. They also hav⦠agi crit assassin cross. Mufflers [1], Wool Scarf [1], Vali’s Manteau, Crest of the Rider [0] and [1], Heavenly Maiden’s Robe [1], Undershirt [0] and [1], Valkyrie’s Manteau [1]. If you are a Criter, just keep shooting. Repel! Talk to him to enter the next test. it is ok to thantos card to put in bow? If you wanna go to level 3, you`ll need a large ammount of High Wizards. After DSing you should run as far as you can, and start attacking them again. Deal high amounts of damage quickly, via Double Strafe or Falcon Assault. i can’t spam DS on them, and if i repel they can get closer+unbuff with Fliying Side Kick. knights can take a lot of dmg.. etc. knights can take a lot of dmg.. etc. Talk to the NPC inside the building to enter the main room. DS them to death. Kill it fast! ..vs Champions. Although your flee is extremely crappy, you don’t take as much damage as the other builds, and if all else fails you can switch to a bow and still do decent Double Strafes. Make sure they don`t get near you. The Falcon Assaulter has much more HP and defense then the other Sniper builds because it relies on using it’s falcon to deal mass amounts of damage in a single attack. o_0! Start hunting monsters in Payon Cave level 1! this equips can kill everyone and can be a the number one in PVP MVP WOE…. After an LK got those statuses, use your PvP Compo and finish them off. STR 1 so better be quick to requip aqua armor(Swordfish card), With this guide of mine you will me an Emergency call type Sniper… A GM of a guild Sniper… of course hybrid stat is the only applicable for GM snipy :)) so this is my own guide.. so go ahead and try it…. +7 Boots (Matyr card) The Money Maker If you eat, sleep and dream about Zeny, then the Merchant is for you! Gloves [1], Brooches [1], Orleans Gloves [1]. Binoculars +10 Composite Bow (2 Hydras, 2 Skel Workers) I raised my dex better than str. Banshees are annoying so alternate DS and arrow repel to keep out of their darkness strike … Ragnarok Online Mobile. (Thara`d Shield, Immune`d Manteau :D). Anti-spam word: (Required)* Falcon Assaulters have the option of using daggers and/or bows. Talk to Archer Guildsman for the signup. PVP Tactics is important for every job. If you see this guys, run away, keep your distance. Archer-->Hunter-->Sniper Ragnarok questions? agi crit assassin cross guide. In Payon, head north to Archer Village. t, Guillotine Cross Crit/CRS/CI Hybrid by Sehun, Short Guide on 1/PvP Sinx/Assassin Cross Introductory Guide. Remove all your equipment and items and put them in storage. If you don’t have a priest to constantly keep Gloria on you, your falcon doesn’t fly as much. luk for the ancient mimic card and str for arrows, and it gives additional damage. Falconers depend on LUK, AGI, and INT for maximum falcon damage. Be sure that you have knowledge of the current item and equipment prices so you don’t get scammed or … Try to balance out str / … I don`t post the other builds (like SS build, etc.) Trapper Sample Equipment. It’s the place where many players come to either buy or sell what they have in their inventories, storage, and carts. Assassinate The best way to KS enemy kills. High dex/str/vit. A sample build would be (Totals, with gears and buffs): Most of the damage-dealing traps have an INT+DEX = damage boosting equation, so you’re going to want to have a decent INT/DEX ratio. When you talk to the Valkyrie, she will commend you for your bravery and perseverance. Just 70-80 is fine. I have more than 300 videos about Ro RevoClassic. > I don\’t know what to do with these guys. They have a special skill, a DAMNED skill to dodge, called SNAP. Skogul, Frus will be killed easily if you use Silver Arrow/Arrow of Counter Evil. Equipments: The technique, called "vertical fire walling (vfw)" exists since the beginning of time, and one of the hardest mechanic a beginner Magician has to learn. ⢠Abbey Monastery. Use fire arrow to hunt them. Previous Article Trapper Hunter Guide: The Bomberman in RO. Gloves [1], Brooches [1], Orleans Gloves [1], Rosaries [1]. Why not use Sniping suit rather than tights? The Sniper. Ability to lock enemies in place with higher attack speeds, or Ankle Snare. The Sniper is truly master of the Bow, where in it becomes a deadly instrument capable of dealing massive damage. The Rune system is a cool new feature in Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love. (FO is a great skill, so watch out). However they will have hard time to use Asura. If you have 15~30 DEX, I`m sure that you could kill them easy. :), Ohs i forgot you also need Dragon Tail card :P, can anybody tell me about kinda noob in ragnarok. LUK 66~99 (With or without Gloria, increase in multiples of 3). With low DEX, 70%++ you`ll get halved SBk damage. Yes, but using those card will result low HP with low reduction. Aha, Scholars! +5 or +6 Apple of Archer If you don`t want to read just leave. You can`t kill them… if they uses Basilica. Remember! agi crit assassin cross. Go inside and look for Metheus Slyphe. Imagine Hell.. ..vs Scholars. … DISCLAIMER: All the equipments here are doubtly used to fight players (demi-human), just ask a question if you want more information on Sniper`s equipments for another purpose (MvP hunting, PvM etc. And then go nuts! Support, Magnificat, TU, and Battle Priest. The dex is mainly for enabling fast reaction and movement. Plenty of things to do in this new update. More information on this topic is in the Experiencepage. 2x(Race)2x(Size) or 2x(Race)1x(Size)1x(Element) Composite Bows [4] or Burning / Gale / Earthen / Freezing / Orc Archer’s Bows are fine too. Here’s a sample equipment of a Trapper Hunter. of course you dont have much hp but in pvm you can use things like firewall to avoid ever getting hit in the first place. Archer-->Hunter-->Sniper Ragnarok questions? DEX 160 List of All Equipment Craft Location in Ragnarok M Eternal Love Written by Erwin Bantilan One of the important technique of having a great character build in Ragnarok M Eternal Love, is crafting their end-game weapons and equipment, it is because these weapon is upgradable and has lots of bonus stat … Go to the NPC. The crit rate should be enough to 100% crit every mob with or without sharpshooting and the STR is for carrying the stuff you're farming. +5 Guard (Thara Frog Cards) REPEL is a must! Attendance encouraged, activities & weeklies are … Very nice guide, thank you. With the enhanced card effects on ragnarok mobile, especially kobold card, assassin cross can be easily built into agi crit build. Nameless-good sniper is much more cost-effective there than TK. YOUR MAIN SKILLS ARE DOUBLE STRAFE, IMPROVE CONCENTRATION AND FALCON EYES! If you want to advance your job and earn skill points, Job level is what you should be … (HUNTING GUIDE) STR 1 You won`t miss your attacks on these plants. Well, buhbye my fellow Snipers! If they hide, just ran away, if they tunnel drive, use Arrow Shower to open their TD. I mainly discuss about DEX/AGI, FA, and Hybrid Build only. Just click this link. The Trapper focuses on using traps as its main damage-dealing. and some snipers wont be prepared if stalker use raid, it will stun them and that gives the stalker time to strip/bowling bash. Low VIT! WHAT’S THE BEST ARROW FOR PVP AND THE EMPERIUM? If you found a Scholar, you can beat him! Same, make sure they don`t get near you. A falconer relies on their bird to deal most of the damage, so you have less DEX than other builds. .. vs Lord Knights. This page lists recommended leveling spots, with the maps and monsters associated with them. DS and run. you need to be familiar first to your character and should know how to use them… a group where all jobs are present, ithink you should do what your job have to do…you keep on talking one on one….. You can use a lot combo cards.. not the literal combo cards i mean your custom combo cards.. I’m not sure if you need AGI, but since you’re going to be mobbing with this build, I swapped it out with VIT. What!? Increase DEX to 45. Hard to beat also. The Sniper job class specialize in precision and their powerful ranged attacks. Now, go the room on the west. Their Acid Demonstration damage will be as little as anopheles! Falcon is ignored DEF and Flee(not change anything). Muffler [1], Wool Scarf [1], Vali’s Manteau, Crest of the Rider [0] and [1], Heavenly Maiden’s Robe [1], Undershirt [0] and [1], Valkyrie’s Manteau [1]. This could be a hard fight, or even a neverlasting battle. Start by killing skeletons. wind ghost card(Jupitel thunder accessory) Damn it, they`re strong when grouping. Good DS damage with moderate-high ASPD. Many people use trapper hunter for leeching service and farm some item. Congratulations once again. First, if they dispell, start buffing yourself with Falcon Eyes and Improve Concentration. There is no better way to describe the Sniper. Mavkas-properly built clown/gypsy can 1HKO them with AV. ..vs Biochemist. and btw, I heard SinX with phreeoni cards kills sniper fast > . /bling. Giving them a small glimmer of survivability. Go to the safe distance, start shooting, they`re toasts (It`s SO RARE to find trapers in PvP room.. /heh). With the ability to deal mass amounts of damage quickly, lock your opponent in place, and have the added advantage of having a Falcon, Snipers can be extremely deadly. Lv 45-60++: Geographers. Ragnarok Mobile Guides. Oh I forgot to answer Shidou`s question.. It tries to minimize that with some Perfect Dodge and Deviling, but it isn't enough, so this is a build that needs to kill every little thing around. Here comes a brief description of the Sniper's skills, they are quite easy to use (50% are passive) and are the main reason why he's so called an "easy hero" : Shrapnel : Active, does damage and slow over time to enemy heroes and structures in the area of effect. In level 60++ and 50 Job level, go change to a Hunter. Because you`ll be satisfied by Sniper`s outstanding abilities. Rangers are given a mount that resembles a giant wolf, which you can use to attack monsters on your behalf. +7 Tights (Evil Druid Card) vit= 1 ONE SHOOT ONE KILL ~ Sniper Guide by vidzkun__ INTRODUTION Sniper, wow, a devastating job that will satisfy you to kill every monster and classes you meet in fields (if it is PK server, you could attack players also. xD, LoD = coma..). same with snipers/traps. but my guide isnât pure Blitz because itâs hard to play and take too much time for kill. Just enter-enter-enter-and enter, and choose Swordman. Gloves (2x Zerom cards). Shoes [1], Boots [1], Tidal Shoes [1], Valkyrie’s Shoes [1], Vidar’s Boots. (Need: Priests, Hunters, Alchemists, Defenders) Attendance encouraged, activities & weeklies are ⦠STR 1 Has a very long range, can ⦠1 Resources 2 Structures 2.1 Misc Structures 2.2 Containers 2.3 Crafting Stations 2.4 Thatch 2.5 Wood 2.6 Stone 2.7 Metal 2.8 Greenhouse 3 Vehicles 4 Tools 5 Weapons 5.1 Melee 5.2 Ranged 5.3 Ammunition 5.4 Explosives 5.5 Emplacements 6 Clothing 6.1 Cloth 6.2 Hide 6.3 Fur 6.4 Ghillie 6.5 Chitin 6.6 Flak 6.7 Riot 6.8 Scuba 7 ⦠This build, oh my.. DEF+3, -5% damage from Large size. ..vs Assassin Crosses. Collect trunks from willows. This build can be used for PvP, because it`s power to 1 hit KO`d most classes (High Wizards commonly). For example, Swordsmen have a rune that adds 10% Bash damage, while Mages have runes that reduce… sins can dodge a lot of stuff. i'm probably best with hwiz for soloing. Id like to kill Pala with defender. Use it on everything except Entweihen, for which it is more convenient to … Required Equipment: Composite Bow [4] 4 Drops Card or 4 Plankton Cards or whatever, 2 Zerom Cards, Indonesian Beret. The ordering hurts it too, since it seems like its directed towards people who haven't played RO before. i'm probably best with hwiz for soloing. INT 22 Talk to the Kafra lady, and talk about the different Kafra services. Sorry for this. You must learn to move traps in bio3 with arrow shower, and quickly trap up a corridor for WoE. One of the major drawbacks to a Falcon Assaulter build is that the damage can be reduced greatly via Raydric Card, Noxious Card, Thara Frog Card, Beret, Feather Beret, etc. ..vs Stalkers. you dont have to ignore priests just you should use earthen bow with stone arrow if they dont have medusa card they will die eventually…. May 2020 Ragnarok Mobile Guides. It is very hard to understand what you are saying and it just doesn’t make me want to listen to what you have to say. The Sniper. +7 Wool Scarf (Raydric) Command the Falcon to deliver numerous blows to a target. Talk to the examiner to automatically change into a Archer High. The Builds The Recommendation⦠Many people wrote their guide even there are MISTAKES in it. 7. Their most famous build, the meteor storm high wizard, is capable of delivering insane amount of damage in pvp, bosshunts, grinding, or any ⦠its usefull.. and if you love to ds-ing ppl just use sniping suits it reduces ds-ing cooldown (its really usefull for agi/dex i can even kill a lot of full donation (nearly overpowered) people in 5 seconds just becarefull if they’re a group, they can also kill you easily together) but, the items he recommend is not bad too…. Snipers play a pretty important role in it, too, but unless you want to get laughed out of the castle, Iâd stick to a FA/Trapper build. Because this skill adds +5 to all stats, it will actually increase Crit by 11~12 overall at level 10 (LUK +5). (Need: Priests, Defenders, Hutners) NOTE: This was originally posted on my defunct blog, reposting it here since it's relevant again. Take Aim The ability that makes Sniper the hero with the highest range. If you're already playing on the SEA/China server, stick around as⦠luck = all left, bunny band Pros. Previous Article Trapper Hunter Guide: The Bomberman in RO. perfect dodge build!! ⢠Thor Volcano. Buy Silver Arrows. Go inside a house located at the top right of Archer Village. HUNTER SKILLS CAN BE SEEN HERE. @vidzkun meteor storm Build high wizard. Actually, I can only found them in WoE. You level fast here. Hybrid Build. Having big INT increases FA`s damage. Don’t read this guide…it’ll get you killed. yeah.. depends on the server u cant kill pallys and you also cant easily kill h.wiz and prof.. i dont nid to talk to u about pallys because it depends on the player even in hwiz and prof..if the h.wiz got insta cast.. then im so sory about ur snipy ^_^, I’m recommending to use the hunter set…. AGI 31 DEX`s much more important. Early stages you'll want to be a Battlesmith (BS) to be able to level up and train. Talk to the Sniper NPC to change your job. This guide is special. When you click on the Heart of Ymir, you will be transported to Valhalla. Critical Sniper This and the next build are pretty similar regarding stats, just that this one relies more on offensive and it's a glass cannon. here it is XD If you’re low on cash a +5-7 Hunter’s Bow works perfectly fine in many situations. This spell is quite useless in my opinion. Do not go to WoE in an AGI/DEX (DS) build. :). Use Novice Potions when injured, that shouldn`t be a problem. I think my 2 years experiences in TRO may help you. This is largely because of two reasons. Okay, let`s start making Sniper! We can buy all stuff in-game using zenny. Stats. ..vs High Priests. REPEL.REPEL.REPEL!!! That meaning you’ll have a partymate that would gather mobs of 20-30 monsters and kill them all in few shots. They can also use a shield, unlike the other builds that rely on hitting with bows, giving them even more resistance and defense. Shoes [1], Boots [1], Tidal Shoes [1], Valkyrie’s Shoes [1], Vidar’s Boots, Crystal Pumps. VIT 31 You must also have EXACTLY 1,285,000 Z. Ragnarok online in my country is pay-to-play so there isn't any malling. I`m serious! With right gears, you will survive a SBk. Talk to the NPC that will teleport you to the battle grounds. January Gacha Fashion (Feast) 2019 Gacha (x10) Period: 10th Jan – 24th Jan 2019 Heavenly costume gacha is coming to RO – Eternal Love China and SEA server. If you`re attacked first, you hafta run, and then pot/heal. Feb 12 - Login anytime for chinese new year-Type "Happy New Year" in the chat interface for free headgear for march. Unlike the Wizard, it has Mystical Amplification, which will give 50% more M… `Cause they lived in different countries dammit, and they couldn`t learn ENGLISH AS FAST AS YOU ARE. DEX 135 meteor storm Build high wizard. dude, do u have something against highwiz? Your DEX should be pretty high with this build, though, so a 2×2x Composite Bow [4] should be the best combo for max damage. Smile, you`ll get big exp. Most High Priests uses Magnus E. to attack. I don’t really use a Critter build that much, so you’ll have to adjust this build to your liking. It bypasses DEF, so it is useful in WoE. You, and your group should hunt in abbey monastery lvl 1/2, but don`t go to level 3. Snipers do have weaknesses, just as all Job classes do depending on the situation. With the enhanced card effects on ragnarok mobile, especially kobold card, assassin cross can be easily built into agi crit build. +10 Composite Bow (Skel Worker x2, Hydra x2) Go to the Sage Castle[Juno 87,322]. Kill those freakin` fammiliars if you must, they have 150 HP only, Use DS, they are dead. If you want to advance your job and earn skill points, Job level is what you should be ⦠+7 Wool Scarf (Raydric) This page contain every hat and headgear quest guides in Ragnarok Online. The AGI/DEX build is one of the most used builds due to the fact that you can level very easy and fast with it. If they snap out of your screen, don`t chase them. This is the hardest build to play because a lack of int requires more sp items to keep trapping longer. I raised my dex better than str. J. Dewey is a veteran-owned family business that handcrafts its products in the U.S.A. Its product line ranges from complete cleaning kits to individual components and ⦠I tell ya, this build owns every jobs in PvP, except jobs that uses endure (LKs and Pallies). S**t. You can`t beat this guy if he Barrier`d, using full reductions. dex = 99 Itâs a tough world out there. LUK 1 sins can dodge a lot of stuff. Clearing Techniques: General Tips: Sharp Shooting is the only skill you need to use in endless tower. They will be able to deploy traps just like their pre-transcendental form, the Hunter job class. The Sniper is the master of the Bow. ..vs Snipers. (oh sh*t..). ..vs Battle WS. Saved from If you didn’t know, auto-Blitz Beat divides the damage between the monsters, so if you’re attacking one monster and there’s one more stacked on it, you’ll do half the damage you normally would with your falcon, but you’ll be hitting both of the monsters. Your job is to attack with your fellows hunters, while Defender tanks. They.. are.. For ⦠I`ll explain this FEARSOME skill later ). The same 3 Dex, 2 Agi, 1 Luk ratio can be carried onto Sniper. Except, if you are facing trapers. Tights [1], Odin’s Blessing [1], Panties [0] or [1] and Valkyrie’s Armor [1]. Facebook Comments. Table of Contents. But i recomend this set! Willows located around Payon village. Apple of Archer, Ulle’s Cap [1], Kitsune Mask, Alice Doll [1], Feather Beret, Ramen Hat, Crown of Mistress, Etc. Damn, this quest just take a looonnnggg way to finish. Read the Book of Ymir again to return to Valhalla. If he is already near you, detect him (if he cloaks, hiding) and Repel him. Crossbow [3], Bazerald, Combat Knife, Main Gauche [4], Moonlight Dagger, etc. same with snipers/traps. When friendship strengthens, so does their power. Skill Notes Fire Wall: It's hard to stress how important and powerful this skill is while fighting monsters. Soul Linkers can equip various accessories, such as Clip, Nile Rose, as well as the stat-boosting generic accessories such as Glove, Ring, Earring, Necklace, and of course, their "Level 90+" slotted version.The easiest option, though, is a Clip. They still dish out big experiences.
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