In addition, a language course will be available to discover or improve the use of French as a working language. This course is devoted to the examination of the specifics of the French and of the European Union judicial systems and proceedings. Or ce sont des plus de 1800 dossiers que nous recevons chaque année. This course deals with the techniques typically used by practitioners in the field of International Contracts and includes both theoretical and practical aspects. This LL.M. In accordance with the provisions of Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files and liberties, the personal data you transmit will be exclusively used for the treatment and management of your application by the services of the University of Le Mans. •   Two recent letters of recommendation. Les candidatures pour l'année universitaire 2021/2022 s'effectueront via ecandidat. Avant de créer votre compte eCandidat, consultez l'offre de formation présente dans le bandeau à gauche. Although Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne offers a joint PhD agreement template (Word - 47 Ko - French), it is not strictly mandatory as your contract is the result of an agreement between the two partner institutions. 03.02.2020 - 30.11.2020. This course focuses on the law and regulation of financial markets. The program is open to thirty students selected first by application then a skype interview. Policy set forth by Université Paris-Saclay regarding the "differentiated tuition fees" for non-EU students. It will first explore the institutions of and the rules and laws which govern the judicial branch of the French Republic based upon the ancient laws of the Roman Republic (French laws and codes were slowly created over the centuries). The conference examined a range of fascinating international issues, and local legal issues. Vous pouvez consulter les formations en dépliant les menus et candidater à une formation en cliquant dessus. These areas are explored from the interdisciplinary perspectives of economics, law and politics. The University Paris 1 will provide the necessary form to obtain a student visa. Although legal courses are exclusively taught in English, students will benefit from French language training and have several opportunities to meet legal practitioners and visiting scholars invited to give presentations in their field of expertise. The University Paris 1 will provide the necessary form to obtain a student visa. The aim of the course is to offer an introduction of the process of European integration. The European Commission plays an active part in enforcing the competition rules, and a study of Competition Law is therefore also a study of EU Administrative Law. We thank everyone who took part and made it a success and we wish them a bright and promising future. Université de Paris awarded the Erasmus Charter Label Les candidatures en L2 et en L3 LEA auront lieu du 20 mai au 5 juin 2020 sur eCandidat. News On Monday 8th July 2019, day of the Graduation Ceremony of the LLM Business Law 2019, the University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne played host to a stimulating conference (Sorbonne international post graduate conference). * Introduction to French Public Economic Law (20 hours). 1. He came back to Paris, France in 2015 to open a new restaurant. Competition law contains three "pillars": prohibition of anti-competitive agreements (the "cartel prohibition"), prohibition of abuse of market power (the "abuse prohibition") and regulation of mergers and take-overs ("Merger Control"). Le MRIAE recrute également des étudiants qui entreront directement en Magistère 2ème année, en Master 2, ainsi que 31 futurs apprentis du parcours Master 2 Alternance. N.B. - Create an account using your INE number - If your INE is not accepted, create my account without an INE; Activate my account by clicking on the link sent to your email. Each candidate will be selected after an interview in English scheduled shortly after reception of the application. The amount of the registration fee will be communicated to you individually after completion of your registration file. ECandidat(Online!application!form!!! (Magister Legum)  is a  post-graduate degree of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne open to young  lawyers, jurists and recent law graduates, fluent in English and from non-French jurisdictions. ©2020 - Association des Etudiants et Alumni du MRIAE / Mentions légales, LES PARTENAIRES DE L'ASSOCIATION DU MRIAE. It was a great success and we hope this will be the first of many such events. It provides a framework to explore the interactions of law, regulation, financial markets and financial institutions, principally within the EU and the UK. You have to enable javascript in your browser to use an application built with Vaadin. Candidates will be notified by the Committee on Admissions in less than two weeks after the interview. After an introduction to the issues and challenges tackled by companies willing to do business abroad, the course answers to questions related to the Lex Mercatoria, its application in practice, the different phases of an international contractual relationship, rules pertaining to international payments and international bank guarantees , etc. La très jeune Association des Etudiants et Alumni du MRIAE est devenue, en deux ans, un lien fort utile entre vous. All formations. Filtrer ⏳ Applications dates : - Psychology-track: Application must be made online first, through eCandidat between May 3 and 16,2021 or through Etudes en France before March 5, 2021. 1/ Commencez par consulter la Foire aux Questions (FAQ) dans la rubrique "Assistance" dans le menu à gauche de votre écran 2/ Vous pouvez également feuilleter le manuel d'utilisation eCandidat qui vous indique la procédure pas à pas If you have any questions at all or difficulties to confirm your application, please contact : ecandidat- These rules are supplemented both by other Treaty provisions as well as secondary legislation. Application process . C'est dire l'attraction croissante qu'exerce cette formation généraliste et pluridisciplinaire aux métiers de l'international. - Lectures by visiting professors or practioners. ECandidat est la plateforme de candidatures en ligne des Licence 2 et Licence 3 (hors UFR Droit et Institut Économie Gestion), des Licences professionnelles et des Master 1 et 2 de CY CERGY PARIS … It was a great success and we hope this will be the first of many such events. Université Paris-Saclay provides a master's level education program backed by research of the highest international level, benefiting from the pooling together of the resources and attractiveness of partners, and targeting a diverse student population, willing to reach the highest degree of knowledge to help them access the jobs of the future. The Sorbonne LLM Program also allows students to plan an internship in Paris and to prepare for professional practice as legal advisors to private European businesses, business-oriented NGOs and other public entities. Step 1: consult the courses open to applicants and course choice calendars Calendars for applications vary depending on the course and begin on 10 February 2020. The success of all students, as soon as they enter university, is a priority for Université de Paris. Non-European Union students entering France with a student permit are required to obtain a visa. News. The request should be made to the consulate nearest to their domicile, at the latest two months before departure. During the course of their academic year, students will be trained in all subjects, both private and public law, as well as European Union law related to business activities in France and more generally in Europe. 1. It will then examine the EU courts and how they work together with the national courts. La formation est complétée par des séjours dans des universités étrangères et des stages effectués dans les ambassades et représentations permanentes, missions économiques, instituts culturels de notre pays, mais aussi dans des organisations internationales, dans des entreprises ou dans des ONG. Not a Dauphine-PSL student ? For international students, it is important when thinking about your academic journey to plan ahead in order to make the most out of your stay at Université de Paris and in France in general. 2. L'application eCandidat est en maintenance tous les jours de 23h30 à 03h00 (heure de Paris). Commission Informatique et liberté Conformément à la loi 78-17 du 6/1/78, nous vous rappelons que l'article 27 prévoit un droit d'accès aux information La candidature dans une formation permet de connaître le vœux de l'étudiant et s'effectue intégralement en ligne. On Monday 8th July 2019, day of the Graduation Ceremony of the LLM Business Law 2019, the University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne played host to a stimulating conference (Sorbonne international post graduate conference). Mais la nouvelle association, relancée il y a deux ans, est entrée dans une ère professionnelle en prise avec les mutations technologiques qui marquent les années 2010. ecandidat-2.3.1 You can find all information on this website: It benefits from a national recognition but does not constitute a Master 1 or Master 2. In keeping with the resolution voted by its executive board, dated December 15, 2020, Université Paris-Saclay is intent on developing a proactive policy to attract national, EU and non-EU students. Gastón Acurio is a Chef, writer, businessman, and advocate of Peruvian culinary art. He attended law school in the late 80s but his passion for cuisine was so strong that he decided to leave to study the culinary arts at Le Cordon Bleu Paris. Dauphine-PSL student ? The emphasis is on the important constitutional and administrative aspects of economic and social integrations, rather than on specialized EU policies such as competition, environment, taxation or human rights protection. In order to access a course, a jury will examine your application form to determine whether you are eligible for the course you have applied for. This new Sorbonne Law School’s LLM, directed by Prof. Mathias Audit, is tailored for anglophone students who do not yet have a background in French and European business law. Licences - M 1 droits français et étrangers, LL.M de Droit Français et de Droit Européen / LL.M de Droit Français, Droit Européen et Droit international des affaires, LL.M Droit des Affaires, Mondes arabes et Proche-Orient, Sorbonne LL.M. Le MRIAE avait déjà connu d'autres associations d'Anciens, actives, engagées. Admissions for the academic year 2020-2021 will be open from 1 March until 1 June, 2020 via our IT!accueilView, Please click here to get explanations concerning the different steps towards enrollment. Pour plus d'informations sur la formation, vous pouvez visiter, en plus de notre site, la page du Master sur le site de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.. La candidature se fait en ligne, sur eCandidat, en suivant ce lien. Ø  Learning the french Language (60 hours). Les candidatures sont actuellement fermées. This course provides participants with an opportunity to gain an insight into the key terms and considerations involved in typical commercial agreements, both in the private and public sector. Create and/or verify your account. Filtrer Une erreur s'est produite. Avec sérieux et réalisme, reposant sur différents pôles d'activité, ayant édité un Annuaire des Alumni, dorénavant accessible en ligne pour les adhérents, préparant de nouveaux outils de communication, elle a conçu ce nouveau site qui fournira de nombreuses informations sur les initiatives prises par les étudiants en formation et les Anciens. Students will also have opportunities to visit the most important French legal institutions, such as the Senate, the National Assembly, the Cour de cassation, the Conseil Constitutionnel or the Conseil d'Etat. The course examines the competition rules concerning undertakings in Articles 101-106 TFEU (Lisbon agreement) which regulate private firms' market conduct. E-candidat est ouvert : à vos dossiers! Organisation administrative de l’université, Unités de recherche - Laboratoires / Instituts, Enseignants-chercheurs (accès restreint), Personnel administratif (accès restreint), Applications on e-candidat for the academic year 2020/2021,!accueilView. This course will also examine certain legal rules and concepts of the EU internal market applicable to the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital. Courses. Applicants!Guidebook!! ecandidat- 1! Certains d'entre vous, une fois le master en poche, suivront une formation spécialisée complémentaire dans de grandes universités étrangères, prépareront le Collège de Bruges, les concours A de la fonction publique territoriale, nationale ou internationale ou entreront directement dans la vie active en entreprise ou dans une ONG. Below are some practical considerations when applying to the programs at Université de Paris. The course adopts an approach drawing on continental European law. L'application eCandidat est en maintenance. This course is meant to provide basic knowledge and competence to understand the broad field of French governmental policies, the justifications for public activities and their potential limitations. Nous rappelons qu’il est possible de candidater à plusieurs formations simultanément, dans la limite du nombre de candidatures autorisées par l’Université Paris 1 sur eCandidat.

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