plebiscite synonyms, plebiscite pronunciation, plebiscite translation, English dictionary definition of plebiscite. Le plébiscite du 1 er décembre 1804 est présenté à Napoléon; l'Empereur répond: Mes descendants conserveront longtemps ce trône (Chateaubr., Mém.,t.2, 1848, p.376). In 1921, it was decided by referendum that the city of Sopron would join Hungary instead of Austria. ... Napoleon's marriage to an Austrian princess strained Russian and French relationship. Wikipedia says It is named after the plebiscite taken on October 2, 1860 that brought Naples into the unified Kingdom of Italy under the House of Savoy. A plebiscite approved the new constitution. The northern and southern … The Positive Impacts Of Napoleon Bonaparte And The French Revolution Dictionary ! The date of the plebiscite was fixed originally for June II 1920. Encouraged by his success, he held another plebiscite in November 1852 and was confirmed as emperor after the resolution of the Senate concerning the restitution of the empire. En 1921, après un plébiscite , Sopron intégra la Hongrie et non l'Autriche. The referendum was favourable, and thus Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor Napoleon III on 2 December 1852. La souveraineté est au peuple; le plébiscite est la loi suprême (Proudhon, Créat. A direct vote in which the entire electorate is invited to accept or refuse a proposal: The new constitution was ratified in a plebiscite. Code Napoleon. n. 1. The definition of a plebiscite is a direct vote where the whole population can vote. (6) There could be no question of a plebiscite on a constitution, after what had happened in Piedmont, and Napoleon was not one to waste time with constituent assemblies. Il peut arriver qu'un référendum, tourne au plébiscite. ‘There could be no question of a plebiscite on a constitution, after what had happened in Piedmont, and Napoleon was not one to waste time with constituent assemblies.’ ‘For years referenda were discredited in the public mind by plebiscites organized by totalitarian governments which inevitably produced a gratifying … : In 1920, following Germany's defeat in the First World War, a plebiscite was held to determine which areas should return to Danish control. Define plebiscite. (b) Plebiscite is a direct vote by the female members of a matriarchal system to accept or reject a proposal. Plebiscite. 14. The Duchy of Warsaw in Poland made Tsar Alexander I wage war … A plebiscite generally does very little to change a law, or organize people in favor or against a law. Let us hold a plebiscite and decide the issue. Napoleonic Code, French civil code enacted on March 21, 1804, and still extant, with revisions, that was the main influence on the 19th-century civil codes of most countries of continental Europe and Latin America. Bonaparte definition, king of Westphalia 1807 (brother of Napoleon I). The point of view that Napoleon is providing was from his personal stance during the time of these decisions. Learn more about the Napoleonic Code’s development, contents, and influence in this article. In the first years of the 19th century, the King of Naples, Murat (Napoleon's brother-in-law), planned the square and building as a … A plebiscite or referendum is a type of voting, or of proposing laws.Some definitions of 'plebiscite' suggest that it is a type of vote to change the constitution or government of a country. This may result in the adoption of a new policy or specific law. plebiscite translation in English-Vietnamese dictionary. The Piazza del Plebiscito is a huge square in front of the Royal Palace (Palazzo Reale di Napoli). In some countries, it is synonymous with a plebiscite or a vote on a ballot question. He now has the power, like a monarch, to select the members of the council of state over which he presides. The plebiscite-related questions inserted into the SPO had three possible responses: ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ and ‘don't know’(DK). Les plébiscites sous Napoléon III ont été au nombre de cinq entre le coup d'État du 2 décembre 1851 et la défaite de Sedan du 1er septembre 1870.Le recours au plébiscite permet à l’Empereur d’établir un lien direct avec le peuple. Russia thought the Continental system harmed the timber trade. Avec un nouveau plébiscite favorable, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte devient l'Empereur Napoléon III le 2 décembre 1852. See more. Information and translations of plebiscite in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. En août 1934, les Allemands approuvent avec une majorité de 90% des électeurs, la fusion des fonctions de Président du Reich et de Chancelier du Reich, au profit d'Adolf Hitler. Pick out the correct definition to define the term ‘Plebiscite’. Australia defines 'referendum' as a vote to change the constitution and 'plebiscite' as a vote that … Any of the above, except a plebiscite, can abolish or create a law, or change a portion of a law. Napoleonic wars definition, the intermittent wars (1796–1815) waged by France principally against England, Prussia, Austria, and Russia. (a) Plebiscite is a direct vote by which only the female members of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal. On le rencontre donc souvent dans les régimes autoritaires, comme sous le Second Empire (1852-1870) comme nous l’avions vu en cours : Napoléon III légitime son coup d’Etat de 1851 en organisant … Word: plebiscite Definition: direct vote by the entire electorate (on an important issue) ... France, still under the effect of Napoleon's legacy, and the fear of anarchy, conferred almost unanimously by a plebiscite the supreme power, with the title of emperor, upon Napoleon III. • Napoleon aggressively assumes power with support of French military (rules until 1814) –This quick seizure of power called a “coup d’etat” • Pronounced: koo dey-tah • Definition: a sudden and decisive action in politics resulting in a change of government illegally or by force. Menu. Le plébiscite consiste en fait, de plus en plus, en répondant par oui ou par non, à approuver ou non la politique d’une personne. Originally a royal chapel built between 1677 and 1706, the Invalides were turned into a military pantheon under Napoleon. A referendum (plural: referendums or less commonly referenda) is a direct and universal vote in which an entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal and can have nationwide or local forms. In the most recent literature a plebiscite has been defined as “an instrument, which allow[s] a government to appeal to people to express themselves with a yes or a no”[i].’The two terms do not always overlap in the legal, political … Meaning of plebiscite. Napoleon’s tomb is located in Paris, France, in the Dôme des Invalides. In some surveys DK is a valid response, but in the plebiscite everyone votes either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the issue of independence, either by voting in person or by staying home (effectively a ‘no’ vote). 2. vi Sau thất bại Pinochet trong đơt trưng cầu dân ý năm 1988, năm 1991 Ủy ban Rettig, một nỗ lực đa bên từ chính quyền Patricio Aylwin để khám phá sự thật về những vi phạm nhân quyền, liệt kê một số bị tra tấn và các trung tâm giam dữ (như Colonia Dignidad, Colonia … : As a result of the plebiscite, much of … What does plebiscite mean? It was a favourite device of French Emperors Napoleon Bonaparte and Louis Napoleon to endorse their charismatic leadership. Others define it as the opposite. All that remained was to define the nature of this monarchy. A referenda deals with a specific law the legislature has recently passed, prior to its going into effect. See more. The armistice of the 11th November 1918 ended the first world war. The opposite, western end of the square is dominated by the Basilica dedicated to San Francesco da Paola (a medieval Italian friar born in Calabria) and a long, semicircular collonade in from of the church. The other two provinces (Tacna and Arica) were held for indemnity by Chile after the war of1879-1883with the understanding (treaty of Ancon, March 8, 1884) that at the expiration of ten years a plebiscite should be taken in the two provinces to determine whether they should remain with Chile, or return to Peru - the country … In modern constitutional law, the name “plebiscite” has been given to a vote of the entire people, (that is, the aggregate of the enfranchised individuals composing a state or nation,) expressing their choice for or against a proposed law or enactment, submitted to them, and which, if adopted, will work a radical change in the … Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, en fera de même en novembre 1852, pour le rétablissement de l'Empire. Plebiscite is a negative term referring to an unfair and unfree vote in an undemocratic political system. (5) A national plebiscite on the constitution will be held before October 15. Get an answer for 'Write a brief explanation of how Napoleon gained power in France that includes the terms "coup d' etat" and "plebiscite."' Organisons un plébiscite pour trancher la question. Pour les Jeunes historiens et les plus grands, 3 minutes (et un peu plus…) pour connaître les étapes de l’accession au pouvoir de Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte. The plebiscite of 1800 gives Napoleon the mandate to play a role for which he is well suited both in character and in terms of his 18th-century education - that of the enlightened despot. ordre, 1843, p.93). Hitler and Mussolini held plebiscites in which rejection of the dictator’s proposal … The referendum was favourable, and thus Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor Napoleon III on … Coming back to the name of the square. This led on the 01st March 1935 to the reintegration of the Saar-area at the German empire. Napoleon Bonaparte: Strategic, Economic, And Political Factors During The French Revolution . Failing to obtain the hand of a princess of equal birth, Napoleon III married the … –The Directory is dissolved In a plebiscite, the people of British Togoland chose to join them after independence, rounding off the geographical shape of what is now Ghana. However, the content of the text of An XII repeated many rules from the old … ... Annexation to Piedmont having been voted by plebiscite and the opposition of Napoleon III. The peace-treaty, concluded on the 28th June 1919 in Versailles determined, that 15 years later a referendum ( plebiscite) has to be carried out. A plebiscite is a vote by the whole people and is often used synonymously with a referendum. Il s'agit pour lui moins d'avoir une simple majorité derrière lui que d'obtenir un rassemblement … It was first and foremost Republican, almost Roman: the Sénat (Sénatus-consulte) and the people (plebiscite) – SPQ or senatus populusque was how the ancients put it – played a premier role. A direct vote in which the entire electorate is invited to accept or refuse a proposal. Definition of plebiscite in the dictionary.
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